August 13, 2014

The Countdown Begins

I have one week left at home and 8 days left in the United States. How crazy is that?! I remember counting down until the YES Abroad application came out last year, and now I am just days away from beginning my exchange! Unfortunately, most of the things from last post's to-do list still need to be done, but I'll find a way to get it all done before I leave! In other news, one of my friends, Brandon, left for Thailand yesterday. It was so weird to see him go because I know that I'll be doing the same exact thing next week! (Shoutout to Lili, Faber, and everyone else leaving for Bosnia and Macedonia tomorrow as well!)

Also, I'm not sure if this will end up happening or not, but I want to make a short blog post for every day leading up to the day that I depart for New York. I probably won't blog for my first few weeks in Indonesia because I think it will be a little bit easier to adjust if I stay away from the internet for a little while, so hopefully this can make up for it. I guess I'll just have to see what happens though!

Here's a short rundown of the next week or so:

Thursday - Concert
Friday - My host brother arrives
Saturday and Sunday - Enjoy my last weekend in the US
Monday - Finalize packing
Tuesday - Any super last minute stuff
Wednesday - Fly to New York/Gateway orientation
Thursday - Fly to Tokyo
Friday -  Arrive in Jakarta

That's pretty much it for the main part of this post, so thanks for reading!

Indonesian Word of the Day: Minggu - Week

Passenger - Riding to New York
Thanks to my sister, I went to Passenger's concert last week!
 (Just in case you're wondering, it was really good!) 
While he was telling the story behind this song and singing it, he was able to get the crowd of a couple thousand to be almost completely silent. There's actually no real reason for me to tell you that (sorry if you thought there was a story behind that...), but I absolutely love it when artists are able to do that! Anyway, enjoy the song! My sister also bought me One Direction tickets for tomorrow, so don't judge me if the next post's song is a One Direction song :P (Fun fact: My sister and I both said that we wouldn't go to another 1D concert after last year, but I guess we just can't break tradition yet!)

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