March 2, 2014

CBYX Interview and YES Semi-Finalist

The funny thing about this blog is that no one even knows it exists. I mean, I even forgot about it for a little while. I think that's a good thing though. In hopes of avoiding embarrassment, I'm not going to post a link until (if?) I am selected as a finalist.

I guess I should start writing about what the title says this post is about though. I'll start with CBYX first. I had my interview at the end of January, and it actually wasn't too bad! It lasted for about four hours, but it honestly did not feel like it. My individual interview lasted for about twenty minutes, and the group activity lasted for about the same amount of time. In my session, there were eight people, and there were eight more in the session preceding ours. Apparently, four out of the sixteen will be chosen. That's a 25% chance, so I hope I made a good impression! I'll be finding out about my status relatively soon, so I'll make a post when I find out.

Moving on to YES...After trying to avoid checking my email on Friday (Feb. 28th), I finally decided to step away from my phone and computer for a few hours. When I came back to my room to check my phone, which was at about 10:45 PM, I saw that I had a TON of notifications from the YES Abroad Facebook page and a lot from a group chat that I'm in with a bunch of awesome applicants (who all happen to be semi-finalists too!!). I quickly turned on my laptop and logged into my email, and then I was greeted by a lovely email sitting in my inbox (it had actually been sent an hour before). I clicked on it and read the first few lines, which said that I am officially a semi-finalist! The wait was sooo worth it. I can honestly say that I cannot wait to meet everyone at IPSE. Everyone says it's like one of the best weekends ever, and I can't believe that it's less than three weeks away! I technically have not accepted my status yet (my parents still need to sign the paper), but I will have that done by Monday.

There's really not that much more to say, so thanks for reading this!

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