March 13, 2014

CBYX Finalist

That's right. You're not just seeing things. I got a call last night that said that I am a finalist for CBYX, which means that I may be spending my senior year in Germany! You might be wondering why I wrote "may"...If you haven't read my previous blog posts (which you so totally should), I guess I should tell you that I applied for both CBYX and YES Abroad, and I also happen to be a semi-finalist for YES. In fact, the YES Abroad in person selection event (IPSE) starts a week from tomorrow. I'm super excited for it! With that being said, I'm still not sure which scholarship I should choose. If I become a finalist for YES, that is. I just really hope that CBYX will let me hold off on my decision until (if..) I find out which country YES assigns me.

Just in case you're wondering, my acceptance came on a totally unexpected day. Unlike with YES Abroad where the other applicants and I were counting down until semi-finalist announcements, the other CBYX applicants and I had no idea when finalists were going to be announced. Anyway, a few people posted in the CBYX Facebook group last evening, and they said that they had received emails stating that they were not accepted. That kinda made me nervous, so I checked my email. There was nothing. I already knew that AFS calls the finalists, but I honestly wasn't sure that I would be one of them. As the night grew later, a few people began posting that they had received calls in order to inform them that they were finalists. Since I still had not received a call, I decided to do my homework. After trying to do it for a few minutes, it just didn't seem to be working, so I went into my parents' room to talk to my mom. A minute or two later, the phone rang. Neither of us picked it up until it went to the answering machine. When we heard that it was AFS calling, my mom quickly picked up the phone and then handed it to me. The man on the other end notified me that I was a FINALIST, and I thanked him a couple of times (I think I may have cut him off...oops!). As soon as I hung up the phone, I started screaming and jumping up and down.

How is it that the first scholarship that I apply to selects me? So many other people have to apply more than once, and I can honestly say that I am extremely thankful and so blessed to be given such an amazing opportunity. PLUS, I still may have the chance to be given another amazing opportunity through YES Abroad. If that is the case, I know the choice will be hard, but I'll go wherever God is calling me. Whether it's Europe, Africa, or Asia, I know that it will change my life.

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