February 1, 2017

The Life of a Pre-Med Student

Hello! I'm sorry that it has been sooo long since I made a blog post. Another semester has begun, and it's already almost time for the first round of exams to start. As with last semester, I'll fill you in the classes I'm currently taking: Organic chemistry II, genetics and evolution, calculus, global health, and taekwondo. In other words, I'm taking 3 pre-med requirements, global health, and a fun class to make sure I don't use being busy as an excuse for not getting in enough exercise. Jokes aside, I am actually enjoying my classes so far and feel as if I have some of the best professors I've ever had (but then again I haven't had any exams yet...).

By the way, I declared my major last semester, and that felt great! I am now officially a neuroscience major with minors in chemistry and global health. For anyone who knows me well, I'm sure none of that is surprising since those are (some of) the things I have been interested in for as long as I can remember.

I guess I better get back to being a student!


P.S. My sister and I decided to start making videos for our non-profit that tie more into our experiences. Here's the first one! It's about applying for college. (I know. I know. We're a little late...)