December 13, 2015

Mau ke Jepang

明日日本二行きます!Besok mau ke Jepang! If you didn't understand any of that, I guess I'll say it one more time...tomorrow I'm going to Japan!

I think I'm just as excited that my first semester of college is officially over though. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but this break is definitely needed! Oh and I also recently found out that I might be going back to Indonesia this summer *fingers crossed*! So yeah I guess you could say that I'm really excited for a lot of things right now. I'm going to keep this post pretty short though because I would rather make a post with pictures from Japan...these picture less posts can get pretty boring if you ask me.

See you soon!


P.S. I just did my first real interview for Think Before You Type since I got back from Indonesia, and I really can't believed I went so long without doing that! I love when you can feel how passionate someone is about something. At the beginning of the year, I'll be getting back into one of my favorite things: speaking at schools! That will be for TBYT as well, but I should really go and talk about YES Abroad at some schools too!