August 30, 2015

Kuliah (One Week Down...Many More to Go)

The first time I went to ITB...was this really a year ago?
Pertama kali aku ke ITB...sudah setahun yg lalu??
Well, it's been quite a week. As hard as it is to believe, this time last week I nervous about starting classes, and now I'm already in the swing of things. I guess it's official...I'm a college student. I'm enjoying it so far, but it's sure to get overwhelming at some point. From all the running (well almost running...) I do through the hospital's campus twice a week in order to get to class on time, to the fact that I went straight from class to the activities fair to a concert yesterday, I think my body is still trying to catch up to the fact that I'm no longer an often bored exchange student.

I honestly can't complain though (although I did just finish reading for a single class for a few hours straight..). Just like this past year in Indonesia, I've been given an amazing opportunity to learn and meet so many different people with different beliefs and experiences. I've probably said it 459483 times so far, but dreams really do come true. If you would have asked me a few years ago, I would have never thought that I would have actually ended up starting a nonprofit, going to Indonesia for a year, or ending up at one of the best universities in the country. I know that I would not have been able to do any of those things on my own and am extremely thankful for every person who has helped me along the way. It's always good to have goals, and trust me, achieving them feels amazing!

Speaking of goals...I should probably get on with my homework.

Thanks for reading. Sampai jumpa!


August 20, 2015

Life Goes On

As far away as it seemed just a few short months ago, my exchange is over, and I've moved on to college. The next batch of YES Abroad Indonesia kids have started their long but exciting journey to one of the most beautiful and amazing places in the world. I wish them all the best and hope that they take this year in stride and accept every incredible opportunity that will be offered to them this year. It won't always be easy, but it will definitely be worth it.

Even though I haven't started classes yet and just moved in yesterday, I can already tell that I'm in the perfect place for me, just like Indonesia was the perfect place for me to spend my senior year. Although it was sometimes hard to see it while it was happening, every experience that I had during my exchange year, good or bad, has changed me for the better. I can now see that I am a much more outgoing and adventurous person than I was just one short year ago. I'm not afraid of getting out there and doing my own thing, and I've now been offered the amazing opportunity to study at one of the best universities in the world. I really couldn't ask for a more beautiful, diverse place to spend the next four years of my life. I know this is only the beginning, but I truly believe that I would have a much harder time thriving here if I had not pushed myself out of my comfort zone to live on the other side of the world for a year.

If anyone is thinking about studying abroad in high school, I just have one thing to say: go for it! Yes, it will be hard at times, but it's a great learning experience that will only continue to help you in life. If you have any questions about studying abroad, please feel free to contact me. I'll happily answer any of your questions to the best of my ability. I should probably get going, but I promise to write again soon.

Sampai jumpa lagi!
